Quasirandom Sequences

Introduction I saw a Hacker News post the other day about Fibonacci hashing and through that rabbit hole found out about this article on qausirandom sequences. It’s a fantastic article, but this mini-post will serve to highlight some cool takeaways I got from reading that post.

Build A Compiler - Variables

Note: This is the second part of the series, post 1 can be found here Introduction This installment of the build-a-compiler series will cover global variables, and multi-expression programs. Currently the compiler is a glorified calculator, but adding the ability to store calculations for later use will bring us one step closer to a full programming language.

Build A Compiler

Introduction This post will cover how to build a native compiler for a very simple language. It’ll start small by building a native compiler for a small calculator language. Later installments will add on to this base with more advanced features like arrays, structs, functions, strings, and more.

CRT Shader

Shader CRT Shader, or something. Code Vertex Shader attribute vec2 position; varying vec2 vPosition; void main() { vPosition = position; gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0); } Fragment Shader precision highp float; varying vec2 vPosition; uniform float uTime; uniform sampler2D uSampler; void main() { vec2 ndc = vPosition; // Bend the texture coordinates across a sphere-ish thing // Add some scan-line noise vec2 tpos = vPosition * vec2(0.

Math Battle

Description A game where you need to write math functions to guide your missile. A player wins when their math function intersects the other players circle. The asteriods were originally supposed to be destructable, but I did not finish it.

ErgoDox EZ Trackball Mod

Introduction Recently I purchased an ErgoDox EZ ergonomic keyboard. I figured if I’m going to spend all my time at the computer, might as well save my wrists. I was also excited about the open source nature of the ErgoDox and the rave reviews.

Getting Started With Incr_dom - Part 2

Note: Incr dom is superceded by a new, much easier to use library called Bonsai This installment will add the basic frame of the single page application. We’ll create a menu and be able to navigate between the various pages.

Getting Started With Incr_dom - Part 1

Note: Incr dom is superceded by a new, much easier to use library called Bonsai Incr_dom is a library created by Jane Street for building web applications using OCaml. The interesting thing about Incr_dom is it’s built on another one of Jane Street’s libraries, called Incremental.

Maze Program

Introduction This is part of an old program series I’ll be writing up. During college I was into Computer Graphics, Compilers, Operating Systems, anything that got to the “heart” of practical computing.